Your brain on video

Do you find trying to understand what your brain actually does intimidating? Why not try the video approach. No need to read all that wordy brain terminology or try to memorize locations associated with different brain functions. There are those who love all that detail and have found a way to explain it to the rest of us in a simple video format. 

The nonprofit, Society for Neuroscience, has over 40,000 scientists and physicians who contribute to expanding the knowledge and understanding of the brain and nervous system. Among their goals is to “…educate and inspire the public about the wonders of the brain and mind.” One unique approach has been to sponsor a Brain Awareness Video Contest

For all you visual learners and the rest of us looking for a simple understanding, here are two winning selections from the 2012 Brain Awareness Video Contest.

Third place winner, An Ocean of Sensations. Submitted by Sebastian Alonso Vasquez Lopez, BS


Honorable Mention, Using Your Brain. Submitted by Kenneth Stephen Dyson, BS, MS, PhD and sons Taj and Deszmo (12 and 6 years old)