When potential customers don’t buy

potential customers


Your email list is made up of customers who’ve already purchased from you and potential customers who have as yet to purchase. Both made a conscious decision to subscribe to be on your list. Both most likely downloaded your free offer, attended one of your free webinars and probably took advantage of one of your free consultations.

Now, you didn’t expect everyone to immediately become a customer, but after your latest offering, you’re surprised more didn’t. You thought you made a great offer, with great bonuses and great value at a reasonable price. So what happened? Why didn’t more of your email list of potential customers convert into buyers?

Well, let’s start with the obvious.

Definite Non-Customers

Some of your email subscribers are just there for the “free” stuff. They are trying to soak up as much information as possible without paying for it. They also may include other marketers sizing up your offering and marketing strategy.

That leaves all the rest to be your potential customers.

Potential Customers

These email subscribers continue to be interested but don’t commit. Here’s a selection of possible reasons they have for not buying.

They  …

  • are still working on completing the last program they purchased
  • just maxed out their credit card with a purchase from someone else
  • can’t afford to invest in your higher price offering
  • are unsure if they really need your program at this time
  • suffer from procrastination
  • panic at the thought of having to use your new tech applications
  • not business ready to take the next step you’re offering
  • overwhelmed by learning another new strategy
  • are skeptical, cautious and/or indecisive
  • think your price doesn’t match the perceived value being offered
  • are considering a similar offer from another marketer
  • feel there’s not enough sense of urgency to make a decision now
  • like your offer but for some reason they can’t relate to you
  • are turned off by a mail blitz from you and your JV partners
  • feel the benefits being offered are not specific enough for them
  • they have expectations you’re not meeting

Good News

Well, the good news is that your potential customers haven’t unsubscribed from your email list! It means for some reason they are still interested on some level. And, it gives you an opportunity to market to them more specifically.

The Value of the Segmented List

By taking the time to segment your email list between purchased customers and potential customers you can be more specific with your marketing strategies.

Your purchased customers should be getting a marketing campaign that provides more in-depth information related to their topic purchase and other higher-end products and services. This builds up the know, like and trust factor, as well as, confirming your expertise.

Your potential customers should get emails that continue to address, not only, the solution to the problem you offer, but also, concerns or reasons for not buying. You’ve probably noticed one marketing technique when there’s a webinar promoting a high-priced product. Just before the deadline date to purchase ends, there’s a follow-up email saying in response to inquiries, yes they are going to offer a time payment plan. Now, you will never know if there were actual inquiries, but it does increase the possibility of converting potential customers by meeting one of their needs.

By anticipating some of the reasons why potential customers are not making a purchase, it can help you adjust your marketing emails to how they can still get your product or service. 

Do you segment your email list?

Updated June 12, 2017