Success through the eyes of your brain

Your current success and your future success will depend on your ability to avoid information overload and to communicate with others without adding to their information overload.

One way to accomplish this is to switch from linear text to visual image processing wherever possible.

With written text your brain must decipher each letter and letter combination words to arrive at a meaning within its context. By comparison, a visual image conveys information and meaning more quickly to you based on memory of prior images, pattern association and meaning.

In order for your brain to process more complex information in a simplified, efficient and understandable manner, minimal text is combined with relevant graphic images to form an “Infographic.”

Visual imagery is a more successful means of communication because what your brain sees carries more neuron space than what it hears, smells or tastes. 

“Vision directly or indirectly accounts for about 50% of our brain’s real estate.”

Most of us grasp differences more readily by seeing graphs, charts and ven diagrams than wading through text with statistical analyses. Unless we have a brain that thrives on statistics, most of our brains shut down to this kind of information. But, when the same information is translated into a graphic image, differences and similarities become immediately recognizable

When it comes to conveying more detailed or complex information, the brain responds to inforgraphics more readily because of the variety of visual components.

Your visual brain is easily distracted from the predictable and the mundane by something that captures its attention by being different, novel or unique. Visual components easily incorporate juxtaposed color combinations, font styles and sizes, organic and linear compositions, and words and images.

A good infographic is effective when it not only visually attracts your brain’s attention but also causes your brain to focus-in and process. The end result is to reduce the written text into a more efficient meaningful message or learning.

Below is an example of an infographic on the functional differences between the right and left brain hemispheres. It shows how a concept of basic differences can be more easily and quickly understood by your brain than reading a written explanation.

Credit: Mindjet & Jess3

To learn more on how this can advance your success, click here for the post The Science of Infographics by Mark Smiciklas and watch here the Ted Talk video by David Mc Candeless on data visualization below.


Image: Mindjet & Jess3;