If Your Brain is Experiencing “Keyboard Blogging Syndrome”

00341864It was June 30, 2010 that my blog posting went into hibernation.  I had just completed another 30 day blogging challenge and all I remember was the relief of not having to face the WordPress screen the next morning.

I accepted with calmness and yet with some wonder how my brain had reached its tipping point.  It seems that searching its cells on a daily basis to find something new to write about itself led to the bottom of  the well becoming pretty empty.

At the time I thought it would need only a brief vacation.  A time to rest, renew, recharge and then get back into neural excitation.  But, it didn’t happen.  My mind wandered elsewhere and my brain was content to follow it.

My brain actually did send a last minute message up to consciousness with a rational explanation for anyone who feared for my blogging demise. It was …  “you have keyboard blogging syndrome.”  That was it and then my brain went to sleep.

From time to time it would rouse itself, like when you roll over to peer with one eye at the alarm clock to see how much time you have left before it rings its horrible sound.

No, the time off for the month of July was not enough and it continued to snooze through August.

I thought surly I could use the summer vacation excuse and get back to up to blogging energy just as a new blog challenge came my way.  I even signed up, but there was not a budge.  The blogging support emails went into a file folder and may eventually see the light of day, but then who knows when my brain will take the initiative to look at them.

Then came another blog challenge starting October 1st.  My brain seemed to have a slight interest.  It started to stir with some vague ideas floating up into conscious awareness, but it still suffered the lethargy of a Rip van Winkle sleep.

Then slowly I noticed the neural connectors starting to fire up again, not at the speed of lightning, but there definitely were some creative connectors linking into the memory databases.

The plan was to start on the 1st.

It’s now October 2nd.

It took another 24 hours longer than expectedto kick this first new blog post in gear so obviously everything is not completely back up and running.

So, if your brain decides to take a blogging vacation recognize that you may be suffering from “keyboard blogging syndrome.”  Tell anyone who asks that you can’t explain it and that you just have to wait it out until your brain is ready to fire up again.

Postscript: Brain update – brain was in an amenable mood to start posting on October 2nd, but went into overdrive when blog site went down. Brain really got stimulated in dealing with hosting webmaster, however it has now returned to a calm state and is ready to blog.