I haven’t decided as yet

As you might have noticed from the gap in time, I suddenly stopped my daily postings on my current theme of decisions and decision making. It was not a conscious decision to stop but one of those times in life when events make the decisions for you.

One was an opportunity for an all expense paid resort weekend including spa treatments and fine dining. Now, who’s going to turn that down? Then, a friend suddenly became ill enough to require assistance getting to doctor’s appointments and medical tests. Next, a change in plans brought an opportunity for a day of road travel in the middle of nowhere.

My original decision has been to post everyday and I was almost half-way through completing that decision when life interrupted. I usually push through when life gets in the way, but this time I made a post decision to let life lead the way, since it was already taking over.

As these life events were starting to control my schedule, I can’t say I totally objected. The mini resort vacation was a much needed respite. During the spa facial I found it impossible to string two thoughts together let alone make any decision. It seemed my brain enjoyed it more than my face as any attempt at mental activity quickly vanished under massaging fingertips.

During my friend’s illness, decisions were focused around and about her. There were no decisions I needed to make for myself. Daily postings would just have to wait.

Someone else had planned a day of road travel. I was just along for the ride. But, once you leave the city limits and don’t know the territory the road map takes over and dictates the decisions as to where you’re going.

There were only two towns marked on the main highway. Due North for seventeen miles was only green, steep hills. Occasionally there were markers of multiple mailboxes at the front of long, dusty roads. Off into the horizon sometimes there were dots of rooftops.

The first town was a counter-culture. Beyond the four-corner basics was a yoga center, health food store and tourist mecca with clothes that almost matched Madison Ave. prices.

Twelve miles further down the road, the second town main center was a huge arena for rodeos events. The Homeland Security depot abutted the grandstand with almost as large a parking lot and the major intersection had the largest selection of ethic restaurants in the middle of nowhere. That’s all that’s there!

And, then a roadside surprise — a longhorn. All those Western movies from childhood with the cowboys herding the longhorn cattle came to life. This required an immediate stop for a photo-op.

If I had held fast to my decision to keep blogging everyday no matter what, I would have missed noticing the decisions other people had made. Some made decisions to be of service to others, some needed to make decisions that I could only support and some decided to live a completely different lifestyle in the middle of nowhere.

As you can tell by this post I’m back to posting. As to whether I’ll make up for the posting days I’ve missed or whether I will continue to post everyday, I haven’t decided as yet.

I might wait a little longer to see what else life gives me the opportunity to notice.