Do you know your brain profile?

Have you ever wondered what your brain profile is? It probably never crossed your mind that you needed to know. Most likely you’ve been satisfied to define yourself in a written personal or professional profile, or focus on creating a first impression on the people who meet you. Either way it’s a reflection of what you believe about yourself and what you want others to believe about you.

So, what would be the advantage of knowing your brain profile?

A brain profile gives you a general indication of how your brain processes information and ultimately reflects your brain performance. It can tell you which are your dominant mental skills and if you may be under utilizing them or don’t know they exist. This could be crucially important to you if you feel you are not achieving the level of success, accomplishment, and self-fulfillment you desire.

It also means your brain comes as a toolbox filled with a variety of tools for a successful life, but you have to discover which of your tools are designed to serve you best.

The first three things you want to know about your brain profile is …

  • What’s your brain preference for operating?
    • Left brain
    • Right brain 
    • Whole brain
  • What’s your primary processing mode?
    • Auditory
    • Visual 
    • Kinesthetic
  • What’s your thinking preference and does it engage one or more of the four quadrants of thought processing?
    • Analytical and factual
    • Organized and detailed
    • Interpersonal and sensitive
    • Strategic and unorthodox

There are a number of professional brain profile tests, which I’ve listed below that identify preferences, provide detailed sub-preferences, offer enhanced training and personal and professional applications. There is usually a charge involved, but you can start with a free assessment at MindMedia. ( )

My results indicate that I’m evenly split 50% between audio and visual and 84% left brain and 15% right brain. I had guessed that I was more left brain but didn’t expect it to be so high and so low for the right brain. Then there’s that missing 1%, which I guess is undecided which way it wants to go.

Have some fun today and discover something about your brain profile. 

Brain Profile Resources