Are you ashamed of having to make this tough decision again?

There are all kinds of tough decisions that need to be made at some point in life. Once a tough decision is made, another one is not likely to reoccur for a while. However, there’s an exception. This tough decision not only occurs more than you may care to admit, but you also may be ashamed to find yourself having to face it again. 

It’s truly vexing having to confront this tough decision time and time again. You would think the last time you did this it would make it easier the next time. But, this never seems to happen.

You stand there confronting your choices, the same as last time. Visually scanning the possibilities, you are either confounded by too many choices or stymied by being unable to articulate the choice that’s missing.

Of all the information out there on decisions and decision making, no one has a method, strategy or advice to offer you for this.

You will have to go it alone. You’ll find yourself agonizing in private, because no one is going to offer you sympathy. Only you know deep down inside how difficult it is and how often you’ll have to abandon the decision making process because you just can’t decide. 

None of the options are truly satisfying and to compromise by settling for second best leaves you discouraged and unfulfilled.

When it comes to making this tough decision, it’s time to let go of your shame. Face it. It’s a very tough decision and no one get’s it right all the time. Sometimes you do have to compromise and that’s okay. But, when you do hit the jackpot, you should celebrate because your final choice was the right choice. And, it doesn’t get much better than that.

So, here you are again in front of the refrigerator faced with that same tough decision of “What’s to eat?” 

As you find yourself alone again to face this tough decision, there may be some comfort in knowing it’s the same tough decision many face when confronted by an opened refrigerator door.