Are you an over thinking decision maker?

How do you know if you are over thinking when it comes to decision making?

Ask yourself the following questions to see if you qualify.

How much thinking time and energy are you spending in making a decision in relation to the importance of the decision it self?

Decisions that have a direct impact on the quality of your life and/or those of others certainly warrant more thought and consideration. But, if your approach is to allocate careful thought and deliberation without first ranking decisions for their level of importance then you’re over thinking.

Do you think decision making is a tremendous personal responsibility?

As a decision maker you may get waylaid in the process because you may think it’s your obligation to make the “right” decision. Or, you may think others will be judging you based on your decisions. Either way, you’re over thinking. Your thoughts are adding to the pressure of making a decision, even though they have nothing to do with the actual decision itself.

Do you suffer from “analysis paralysis”?

If you’re overly conscientious and not sure you have all the facts or the best and latest information, then it’s easy to fall into the trap of over thinking. Your brain simply gets overwhelmed and your decision becomes more elusive as you become stuck in “analysis paralysis.”

Are you a perfectionist?

If you think of things in your life needing to be perfect, including making decisions, then you’re focused on the wrong outcome. No decision making method or strategy will ever be perfect enough to lead you to a decision that’s perfect. Thinking otherwise will only direct your time and energy to the unattainable rather than directing your focus to a reasonable decision.

Are you relying on conscious thinking only?

Now that may sound a little absurd. After all isn’t conscious thinking what you should be doing. – categorizing, prioritizing, comparing, analyzing, considering possibilities and outcomes and a whole host of other mental activities?

When in reality the best decisions may actually come to you when you’ve stopped thinking about it. By allowing the subconscious part of your brain to process all the input, while you’re off doing something completely unrelated often gives you your best decision choice.

If you qualify for being an over thinker decision maker, maybe it’s time to re-think how you think about decision making.