Add some brain items to your shopping list

Admit it — there have been moments when you wondered whether that important person in your life has a brain in their head.

You’ve even fantasized about sending them for zombie brain replacement.

Voila! They would return with a brain operating with common sense and averse to crazy risk taking.

It would be a brain filled with understanding, compassion, sensitivity, wit, intelligence and a memory where they never again would have to say “sorry, I forgot.”

Since brain chemistry has yet to have a test to confirm your worst suspicions, there is something you can do.

Coming to your area shortly is a brain store with a whole array of brain tools for your shopping list.

If you are in the Chicago area, you have immediate access to 5 locations for Marbles: The Brain Store. There are 3 locations in Minnesota and new stores opening to Boston, New Jersey, Maryland followed with plans for West Coast and Southern outlets.

Marbles won’t be able to solve every brain performance problem, but it’s filled with brain items to “strengthen and entertain.”

Not sure what you need? Marbles even has brain coaches “… trained on how to play the hundreds of games, puzzles and software … .”

If you can’t make it in person they have a great website to get you started at

So, if you feel someone needs some brain performance help, or heaven forbid you suspect that you’re losing some marbles of your own, here’s an option for you.

By: Joyce Hansen

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Marbles: The Brain Store. I’m passing this along in the interest of good brain performance for us all.