A Glitch When It Comes to Making Brain Decisions Between Men and Women

When it comes to making decisions, how easy is it for you?  By that I mean how quickly on average does it take?

You will most likely respond with … “well that it all depends.”  That is true — it all depends on the number of factors your brain has to process. Your brain is greater than any computational computer yet to be designed, yet there seems to be a glitch when it comes to making some very basic decisions between men and women.

Men seem to like making easy, clear cut  and straight forward decisions.  The simpler the better.  They also seem to have a hard time trying to figure out why women need more time to arrive at the same decision. Now there is copious research trying to decipher the different brain mechanisms in women and men that would explain this phenomenon.

The best explanation that actually makes sense is that there must be an undiscovered glitch in the system somewhere and no one is sure whether this glitch favors the male brain or the female brain.  However, the brain gender differences can best be understood from the diagram below which spells it all out.

Its titled Let’s Have a Drink.

from Funny Differences Between Male and Female Brains
from Funny Differences Between Male and Female Brains

Now, to carry this one step further to prove there really is a difference between male and female brains when it comes to making simple basic decisions consider this second diagram titled Let’s Have a Drink and Then Go to Bed. 

from Funny Differences Between Male and Female Brains


It would appear that men are making the easier and more direct decision, and women are taking longer and that may be the source of the glitch. Nevertheless, the female brain is efficiently processing all the  conceivable factors to arrive at the best option.  

Other funny brain differences can be found at


By Joyce Hansen